A RESTful Node.js web application project that allows users to share their BBQ experience by uploading photos and comments.
Live Demo
To see the app in action, go to
Username: guest Password: guest
- Authentication:
- User login with username and password
- Admin sign-up with admin code
- Authorization:
- One cannot manage posts and view user profile without being authenticated
- One cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users
- Admin can manage all posts and comments
- Manage campground posts with basic functionalities:
- Create, edit and delete posts and comments
- Upload campground photos
- Display campground location on Google Maps
- Search existing campgrounds
- Manage user account with basic functionalities:
Password reset via email confirmation~~ (disabled)
- Profile page setup with sign-up
- Flash messages responding to users' interaction with the app
- Responsive web design
Custom Enhancements
- Update campground photos when editing campgrounds
- Update personal information on profile page
- Improve image load time on the landing page using Cloudinary
- Use Helmet to strengthen security
- ejs(
- Google Maps APIs(
- Bootstrap(
- express(
- mongoDB(
- mongoose(
- async(
- crypto(
- helmet(
- passport(
- passport-local(
- express-session(
- method-override(
- nodemailer(
- moment(
- cloudinary(
- geocoder(
- connect-flash(
- Cloudinary(
- Heroku(
- Cloud9(
What Next
- Immigrate to AWS and DynamoDB